Rabu, 27 Januari 2021



にビジネスで最新の戦略を使用すると、名声が高まり、ユーザーが増え、プラットフォームの生産性が向上します。プラットフォームの購入者を感動させるのは、現在の市場の問題について話し、これらの問題の解決策を提供することです。 Corul はトークン化されたDefiマーケットプレイスであり、将来の世代のためにあり、トレーダーと顧客に明確さ、安全対策、一貫性を提供しようとしています。Corulはアソシエイトマーケットプレイスであり、革新的なトークン化されたdefiマーケットプレイスを提供することにより、最近のビジネスを改善するためのユニバーサルeコマースの集まりとして機能します。

このプラットフォームは分散型融資システムに依存しており、トレーダーのために新しい消費者を集め、現在ショップの機能を提供することで人々がより多く購入するのを支援し、後でCorul マーケットプレイスで報酬 を提供して、売り手、メーカーを支援するための分散型補助金の代替手段を提供します、卸売業者と小さなベンダーは、最も安いレートで彼らの暗号担保にローンを組む。私たちは、Corulをより保護され、明快で、迅速で、本物にするために、ブロックチェーンと暗号通貨の助けを借りて永続的なオンラインビジネスを提供しています。

簡潔な情報、見通し、産業上の制約、およびビジネスモデルが計画に組み込まれ、計画のすべての詳細が読者に提供され、ユーザーはcorlを採用するように印象付けます。 Corul は、多くの追加のメリットを提示することで、新しい買い手と売り手がCorulマーケットプレイスで作業できるようにします。また、デジタルマーケティングだけでなく、オンボーディングメンバーによって、ベンダーに膨大なマーケティング戦略を提供しています。

Corul Wallet
Corul Walletを使用すると、通常のウォレットシステムとは異なり、所有物を簡単に制御できるため、消費者はビットコインとアルトコインを維持できます。フラットセットダウンとウォレットからの取り出しプロセスは、その抵抗からそれをその種の唯一のものにします。今すぐ購入し、後でサンゴのポリシーを支払うことで、世界中のすべてのディーラーがコーラルからトークンを購入できるようになります。さらに、その見返りとして、corlは、経済取引とプラットフォームに設定したセキュリティに依存するユーザーに称賛を与えます。スワッピングの複雑さ、複雑なトランザクションなどの現在の市場の問題は、トレーダーが直面しており、プラットフォームの成長にも影響を及ぼします。


Token Economics


ウェブサイト:  https://coin.coruls.com/
ホワイトペーパー:  https://coin.coruls.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/WP_CORULS6.pdf
電報:  https://t.me/ coruls
TWITTER:https:  //twitter.com/corlcoin
MEDIUM:  https//medium.com/@corlcoin 

LINKEDIN:https:  //www.linkedin.com/company  / coruls /

#CORL #Coruls #bestinvestment #DeFi #cryptoinvest #cryptotraders #staking

ユーザー名: Kadek Devi
プロファイル: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851154
ETH: 0x52E07fA6D8843B44FFabDADbccaa861084c24C4E








Maxone Clubは、評判の良い国際的なオンライン取引プラットフォームであり、個人および機関投資家に、外国為替、商品、株式、指数、暗号通貨からの幅広い取引商品を提供しています。同社は世界中で好調であり、顧客に専門的で信頼できるサービスを提供するのに最適な場所です。

Maxone Clubの目標は、為替レート予測プラットフォームを普遍化し、プロフェッショナルでフレンドリー、シンプルで安全な取引環境で世界中の1,000万人以上に提供することです。









  • クイック撤退
  • 高度で信頼性の高いプラットフォーム
  • 高い流動性



  • 顧客体験を測定

  • 互換性のあるデバイス

  • 安全で機密



















https://binary.maxone.club/register ..。





Bitcointalkユーザー名: Kadek Devi
Telegramユーザー名: @KadekDevi8030
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851154
ウォレットアドレス: 0x52E07fA6D8843B44FFabDADbccaa861084c24C4E

BRIDGE - Decentralized Insurance

BRIDGE - Decentralized Insurance

About Bridge

Bridge Mutual provides a decentralized, scalable and comprehensive smart contract system to ensure smart contracts, stablecoins, centralized exchanges and other crypto and DeFi products. It offers a transparent, auditable and on-chain investment strategy to return returns and profit sharing to its users and does not require KYC or personally identifiable information.

This service increases competition by offering to insure stablecoins and exchanges, not just smart contracts. Additionally, Bridge Mutual is built on top of the Polkadot network, which offers forkless on-chain upgrade capabilities and a superior transaction fee structure.

Users can join the Bridge Mutual ecosystem by purchasing BMI tokens and staking BMI on the Bridge coverage pool. Funds in the coverage pool are automatically invested on-chain in other platforms, such as Compound and Aave to generate returns for users. Quotations are generated chained with actuarial formulas; users can connect their Web 3 wallets (Metamask and others) to pay coverage after receiving the offer. A portion of the premium paid by users who purchase coverage is shared among users providing that coverage as an incentive for revenue sharing.

Stablecoin insurance claims are settled instantly. All other claims go through a 3 phase voting process that resolves claims in 6 weeks or less. An incentive system is in place to ensure that every claim is resolved fairly and accurately without fraud or collusion.

This platform does not require any form of identification from its users. All funds in our ecosystem are stored in smart contracts, Bridges are completely non-custodial. No member of the Bridge team has ever had access to the funds staked on the system.

Bridge Mutual has provided legal services for a number of highly visible blockchain projects, including Akropolis, Certik, Kinesis, NOIA, QTUM, FABRK and Gate.io. Bridge Mutual has assembled an outstanding team of insurance and finance experts, as well as other programmers and lawyers. Bridge Mutual aims to be the first platform to provide coverage for the enormous $ 20B stablecoin economy, which is growing at an exponential rate. The project enjoys an over-demand spin of angels and seeds, and is currently in negotiations with a top tier blockchain fund to fill its private spin.

A decentralized and discretionary insurance application, allowing users to insure each other.

Blockchain-based, transparent code. Both claims assessment and investment of funds are on-chain and audit-able by the public.

All claims go through a 3-phase voting process that is enforced with rewards and punishments, ensuring a thorough process for every claim.

Bridge will replace the traditional insurance industry, which is unfair and litigious due to its lack of transparency and misalignment of incentives.

Bridge is more efficient than traditional insurance companies, and does not require branch offices, claims specialists, or agents to work.

The turn-around time for claims and voting is predictable and is always under 6 weeks, regardless of the size of the claim.

Provide Coverage

Choose coins, contracts or exchanges that you think are safe.
Stake your BMI in their pools to provide coverage to customers.
Earn passive yields over time and share profit when people buy insurance.

Purchase Coverage

Choose coins, contracts or exchanges that you want coverage for.
Get a quote and buy discretionary insurance instantly using our app.
Easily make a claim on our app in the event of a crash or an attack.

Our platform does not require any form of identification from its users. All funds within our ecosystem are held in smart contracts; Bridge is entirely non-custodial, meaning no Bridge team member ever has access to the funds being staked on the system.

Smart contracts, stable coins and other crypto products are susceptible to hackers & failures, making it difficult for institutions to enter the market.

Bridge provides the most transparent and efficient p2p coverage platform, allowing anyone to reliably insure smart contracts, stable coins, and more.

As we know, currently many unwanted events occur in the crypto market, for example, such as the KuCoin hack which caused millions of dollars in losses. We don't want something like this to happen again. And to prevent this we can use insurance services to protect us. Bridge is a decentralized insurance platform that allows crypto users to insure a smart contract, stable coins, centralized exchanges, and more. This is a platform built on the Polkadot network, which will provide users with the most transparent and efficient p2p coverage platform, and allows anyone to reliably insure their assets or maximize their profits by becoming a staker.

Q4 2020 - Private Sale Development

Q1 2021 - Private Sale Development

Q2 2021 - $100M Coverage Forecast Bridge DAO Governance

Q3 2021 - Product Expansion Capital Pool Growth Coverage Growth

Q4 2021 - Main net V2 Traditional Insurance

For more information







If we look at recent times, in the crypto world there have been many changes that have changed the way people transact and use cryptocurrency. For example, crypto developers can now implement traditional financial instruments into a decentralized platform or better known as decentralized finance (DeFi) which allows one to maximize their profit on the volatile crypto market by staking, swapping, becoming a liquidity provider, loan/borrow, and farm. These are the features provided by the DeFi protocol which is usually based on Ethereum.

There are already many decentralized platforms operating in the market today and are already having a real impact on global crypto users. For example, Uniswap is a decentralized exchange platform that is well known in the DeFi sector, which makes it easier for people to swap, stake, or become liquidity providers.

Talking about decentralized finance, there is one platform that you might be interested in knowing, namely Clever - a protocol that automatically distributes interest payments to all token holders of CLVA on a pre-programmed routine cycle schedule over 888 fortnightly cycles taking 34.15 years to complete.

Clever is a platform that is almost the same as the usual DeFi platform but is a little more different and challenging. Clever is a protocol that allows you to be able to buy tokens and get profit just by holding them. Or to put it simply, Clever is your wealth repository that provides higher interest rates than traditional banks.

Clever will give interest automatically to CLVA token holders without any conditions, just by holding it, token holders can get rewards according to the number of tokens they hold. This is possible because Clever uses a decentralized finance protocol that allows participants to get rewards according to their contribution.

However, the difference between Clever and the DeFi platform, in general, is that your CLVA will never enter the contract or staking period whatsoever. So that token holders can freely use their tokens without being locked by any agreement. And Clever will not give any penalties or penalties to token holders related to the tokens they hold - the more you hold CLVA tokens, the more rewards you can get. And please note that Clever does not have an agenda and does not have any authority regarding the circulation of CLVA tokens, this means that the Clever team will have no ability to 'dump the market'. Instead Clever will let this token circulate and believe in the conditions of supply and demand.

Clever Features
Clever will ensure that all participants will get rewards according to their participation. Clever designs an automated payment system that makes everything happen On-Chain with no requirement of user intervention or anything - everything will be processed automatically by the system.

Each wallet will get up to 11% paid fortnightly guaranteed with compound interest, meaning you don't have to worry about your share, because of Clever guarantees that each token holder will get their share according to their participation. Even with each new 14-day cycle, the system will trigger a decentralized distribution mechanism that will print and deliver CLVA to beneficiaries, which will increase the individual CLVA value and CLVA market capitalization.

Users don't need to worry about the security and transparency of Clever, because of Clever guarantees that Clever is a safe and secure DeFi protocol with an automatic cycle schedule hardcoded into the smart contract itself. And it is fully verified and audited by BlockHunters, which further ensures that Clever's DeFi protocols are completely safe and free of manipulation.

In Conclusion
Clever is a platform that allows you as an investor to be able to buy CLVA tokens and get rewards just by holding them. The solution offered by Clever is quite unique, where token holders can get attractive interest on a pre-programmed routine cycle schedule by only holding CLVA tokens, without contracts, rules, staking, locking, or whatever, token holders are free with their token. The point is that investors can buy as many tokens as possible and get more attractive interest compared to those offered by traditional banks.

Clever is a protocol that allows you to be able to buy tokens and get profit just by holding them.
Up to 11% compound interest paid fortnightly with guaranteed automatic payments for all CLVA token holders.
No Contract, Terms, or Staking Needed.


WEB: https://clva.com/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/cleverdefi
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/cleverdefi
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/cleverdefi


BTT Username: Kadek Devi
BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851154

sVault.Finance – DeFi Yield Farming Platform on Binance Smart Chain

sVault.Finance – DeFi Yield Farming Platform on Binance Smart Chain

What is yield Farming?
At its middle, yield farming is a cycle that grants cryptographic cash holders to make sure about their property, which consequently outfits them with compensations. Even more unequivocally, it's a cycle that permits you to get either fixed or variable premium by putting crypto in a DeFi market.

Essentially, yield farming incorporates advancing computerized cash by methods for the Ethereum network. Exactly when credits are made by methods for banks using fiat money, the entirety lent out is dealt with premium. With yield farming, the thought is the exceptionally: cryptographic cash that would by one way or another be sitting in an exchange or in a wallet is advanced out by methods for DeFi shows or made sure about in savvy arrangements, in Ethereum terms to get a return.

About sVault Finance
sVault Finance is DeFi Stake and Yield Farming Platform. sCORE token is a decentralized checking stage that turns out reserved income to its examiners by circling grants to customers according to the proportion of token stamped and the upkeep period of the tokens on the stamping stage. Additionally, to yield farming methods by methods for adroit agreement sCORE gives security organizations to natural customers as a DeFi entry and shows all on Blockchain to customers for straightforwardness purposes. sCORE can be easily planned with DEX or various stages for yield farming infra-structure and commission limits. sCORE token can be used for stamping, farming, cost prizes, projecting a voting form and organization in the sVault Finance stages.

farming: 1% cost from each trade is scattered among all holders. Rate got by holders is direct comparing to the proportion of token held in wallet at the hour of compensation. Every holder thus gets their a ton of the cost. Portion is electronic No central social event is alloted with scattering. The wages from stake, unstake and farming trades are scattered to the stakers and a little bit of them is seared. Likewise, it intends to fabricate the simple income it provides for its examiners by extra reducing the stock.

How it Works
- Restricted RISK
Interest Account hopes to give you exceptional yield returns as speedy and as basic as could sensibly be normal. That is the explanation our new thing is one of the most natural and accessible in our portfolio.
- Mechanized income
You are guaranteed to obtain a fixed interest on your asset. Watch your hold reserves build up every day, pull out at whatever point you need. Money works for you throughout the day, consistently, even while you rest.
- Pull out WHENEVER
Your resources are never darted as it every now and again happens with a regular bank speculation account. You are permitted to pull out the resources at whatever point with a singular snap.
To create advantage, HOLD or use the trade elective inside the exchanges where SCORE is available! Like the DeFi advancement to smooth out your pay.

In the sCORE stamping stage, the accompanying center creator or square generator is picked by methods for a specific formula where the center producer should bet their sCORE token, so we use sporadic to predict the convenience. Make later using the formula to find the most insignificant hash regard related with the size of the stake.

So we endeavor to achieve sensibility instead of POW, where well off diggers acquire all the money. Since the stakes are public, each center can be foreseen with reasonable precision that the accompanying record will get the alternative to deliver the square.

The store prize will be given by sVault dAPP instead of the customer who is making the trade. sVault uses Proof-of-Stake as an arrangement framework. In Proof-of-Stake, to transform into a center validator, they need to stake their sCORE Token to be picked as the accompanying center point validator. Consequently, sCORE Tokens will be given to the organization of people who bet on their tokens.

The coordinated sVault Finance stage can be related with a wallet, and monetary experts can without a doubt bet their tokens on the application. In the early phase of the endeavor for instance on the sVault Finance stage, examiners can move their tokens to their wallet or one more stage at whatever point without token locking time.

In sVault Finance, the advancing and obtaining will be maintained only for express assets and the sCORE token holders will save the advantage to project a voting form what various tokens are to be maintained for crediting and jumping on sVault Finance. Each vote costs on sCORE Token.

In sCORE, the customers can offer liquidity to the stake and farming pool. Customers shouldn't make sure about sCORE in the pool. The customer give liquidity will get liquidity impulse mining rewards.

These prizes are given as sCORE Tokens.

  • Token Name: sVault.Finance
  • Token Type: BEP20 – Binance Smart Chain
  • Ticker: sCORE
  • Decimals: 18
  • Total Supply: 10,000,000 sCORE


  • Ecosystem: 30% (Staking 15%, Farming 15% will be dashed until November 2022)
  • Team: 3% (are darted for an exceptionally prolonged stretch of time, and 5% will be conveyed every month.)
  • Marketing: 7% (Bounty Program 7%, will be rushed until April 2021)
  • Liquidity: 15% and bscswap early on liquidity will be portion of the total raised in presale. Bscswap basic liquidity will remain rushed for long haul.
  • Presale: 40% of the supreme store will be given. No lock


sVault is a DeFi venture. The DeFi area has been named the new unique that renewed the digital money industry. DeFi is monetary instruments as administrations and applications based on the blockchain. sVault Finance is DeFi Stake and Yield Farming Platform. sCORE token is a decentralized staking stage that turns out latent revenue to its speculators by appropriating prizes to clients as indicated by the measure of token marked and the maintenance season of the tokens on the staking stage. sCORE can be handily incorporated with DEX or different stages for yield farming infra-structure and commission refunds. sCORE token can be utilized for staking, farming, charge prizes, casting a ballot and administration in the sVault Finance stages. Each holder naturally gets their a lot of the expense. Installment is robotized No focal gathering is alloted with dispersion. As to days DeFi world, sVault is drawing closer is in an exceptionally natural and all around organized way. Staking and cultivating will direct sVault clients to extraordinary advantages

More information about the project:


Username : Kadek Devi
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851154