Rabu, 19 Mei 2021



Kriptovaluta je digitalno sredstvo koje je u posljednje vrijeme poraslo prilično značajno. Mnogi mali ulagači počinju na kriptovalute gledati kao na svoj instrument ulaganja, osim na dionice ili valute. Ulaganjem u kriptovalutu, ulagači imaju veće šanse da mogu maksimizirati povrat svog ulaganja. Budući da su mnogi investitori dokazali da im kriptovaluta može donijeti veću dobit u odnosu na druge investicijske instrumente. Međutim, imajte na umu da što je veći povrat koji imate, to je veći rizik koji investitori moraju prihvatiti. Međutim, još uvijek postoji mnogo investitora koji su zainteresirani za tržište kriptovaluta.


Tamo gdje velike institucije sve više otkrivaju Bitcoin i neke altcoine, to će u budućnosti predstavljati ozbiljan problem jer u bilo kojem trenutku mogu prodati imovinu i pokrenuti se. Stoga Punkcoin postoji kao kripto valuta koja cilja privatne osobe. Punkcoin je nadahnut s nekoliko "pobunjeničkih" novčića na kripto tržištu, poput CryptoPunksa i Bastard Gan Punksa (V2). S Punkcoinom, privatni investitori mogu slobodnije ulagati u kriptovalute, a da na njih ne utječu velike institucije / kitovi.


Pobunjenik pod kriptovalutama
Znamo da je tržište kriptovaluta trenutno prilično popularno među maloprodajnim i nekripto investitorima. Čak su i velike institucije / tvrtke počele ulaziti na tržište kriptovaluta. To ima vrlo pozitivan utjecaj na razvoj kripto valute, ali može imati i negativan utjecaj na kriptovalutu, jer većina maloprodajnih ulagača, institucija ili velikih tvrtki mogu postati kitovi što može utjecati na cijene i kretanje cijena popularnih kriptovaluta. To je vrlo nepravedno i može imati loš utjecaj na privatne ulagače. Zbog toga je Punkcoin pokrenuo "pobunjenički" pokret pod kriptovalutama - kao kriptovaluta koja cilja samo privatne investitore. Uz prisutnost Punkcoina, nada se da privatni investitori mogu sigurno i udobno ulagati u kriptovalute.


Punkcoin ima isti dizajn kao i druge kriptovalute kao što su Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash i Dogecoin, ali ono što ga razlikuje je ružičasta boja i crta na vrhu P koja odražava stil punk frizura, koji je jedinstven i drugačiji od ostalih. A još je jedan crn na njihovoj bijeloj knjizi i web mjestu.


Punkcoin značajke
Punkcoin je "pobunjenički" token čija je svrha služiti kao kriptovaluta za privatne ulagače. Budući da je ovo kriptovaluta namijenjena privatnim ulagačima, očito se zalaže za decentralizirani financijski sustav, čiji je cilj narušiti globalni financijski ekosustav. Punkcoin je isto što i kriptovaluta općenito, ali ono što ga razlikuje je to što ne cilja velike institucije / tvrtke, samo posebno za privatne investitore. Ali ne samo to, još uvijek postoje neke druge značajke Punkcoina:

Izgrađen na Ethereumu: Punkcoin je žeton izgrađen na brzom i sigurnom Ethereum protokolu.

Podržani novčanici: Punkcoin podržava Metamask kao digitalni novčanik koji povezuje korisnike i platformu Punkcoin.


Punkcoin Token
PKC označava Punkcoin koji je pokrenut za privatne investitore. PKC je pokrenut na bazi Ethereum ERC-20 s ukupnom opskrbom od 500 000 000 000 000 PKC. Posjedujući PKC, nositelji mogu dobiti razne pogodnosti poput povećanja cijene tokena ili pridruživanja Punkcoin zajednici, a moguće je da će Punkcoin pružati DeFi značajke. Korisnici mogu dobiti PKC tokene putem web stranice Punkcoin.


žetona Naziv žetona: Punkcoin
Simbol žetona: Vrijednost PKC žetona
(ICO početak): 0,000000000002 ETH
Vrijednost žetona (ICO kraj) 0,000000000004 ETH
Osjetljiv ulov: 1 ETH
Teški ulov: 2.000 ETH

Da zaključimo
Danas na tržište kriptovaluta investira mnogo maloprodajnih, institucionalnih ili velikih korporativnih ulagača. To je pozitivna stvar u razvoju kriptovaluta, ali oni mogu postati kitovi koji mogu utjecati na kretanje i cijene popularnih kriptovaluta. A Punkcoin postoji kao "pobunjenički" znak koji cilja privatne investitore. Punkcoin je nadahnut CryptoPunksima i Bastard Gan Punksima, ali ono što Punkcoin radi buntovnije je od dva tokena. Nadamo se da će prisutnost Punkcoina omogućiti privatnicima da slobodnije ulažu u kriptovalute.

kliknite donju vezu

WEB STRANICA: https://www.punkcoin.net/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Punkcoin_PKC

WHITEPAPER: https://se276603002ebd481.jimcontent.com/download/version/1620086034/module/12873486787/name/Whitepaper%20Punkcoin.pdf

TELEGRAM GRUPA: https://t.me/cryptomatechat

TELEGRAMSKI KANALI: https://t.me/cryptomatechannel

ANN NIT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5335655.0

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/Punkcoin_PKC/



Korisničko ime za Bitcointalk: Kadek Devi

BTT profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851154

BEP-20 NOVČANIK: 0x52E07fA6D8843B44FFabDADbccaa861084c24C4E



One can't dismiss the volume and worth of the charitable trades in the world today. Crypto is emulating and improving traditional models and along these lines it's simply common that the wealth made in the crypto space is looking for similar pathways to partake in the charitable world. That is a gigantic number of ordinary people supporting makes basic them. Also, that is the ideal subtleties for one country. Countless those people are entering the crypto world and expecting to duplicate their unselfish practices anyway with the extra benefits that a decentralized climate offers.


We are at a crucial time in our arrangement of encounters where customary plans are falling to pieces because they rely upon unrealistic guidelines of movement and centralization of power. The new prosperity and money related crisis has shown the gain weaknesses of standard systems that were for quite a while considered consistent and rough. As new issues arise, new courses of action will surface and we at $HOPE acknowledge that the cryptographic cash universe is a great spot for new, decentralized, innovative and neighborhood systems that make sure to convey sensible responses to the world's most inconvenient issues.


The HOPE team needs to transform into a pioneer in establishment coins and help interface the power of cryptographic cash with the challenges of the high level world. Assumption is worked through the BSC (Binance Smart Chain) association. The basic stock is 1,000,000,000 tokens. We will devour 1% of each trade. We have made the most strong establishment way to deal with ensure that our blessings show up at the amplest possible reach for a variety of reasons, and that we are moreover set up to help those denied if there should be an occurrence of a sudden disaster.


While we are essentially based on supporting medium-sized affiliations that solidly influence close by areas in their spaces of activity, we think about the basic impact of greater overall causes, so we have developed a framework to help both. Reliably we support great purpose in different classes like young people, environment, guidance, people with ineptitudes, food taking care of, desperation easing up, etc


The HOPE team reviews tasks and pre-picks recipients subject to open models. We address pre-picked great motivation to our neighborhood hold a general vote. For 3 progressive months, HOPE will provide for greater overall affiliations. The gathering will pre-select the recorded causes, anyway the keep going choice on recipient decision will reliably come from our holders. $ HOPE has unmatched symbolism and an incredible selfless method expected to intensify advantage and neighborhood.

How achieves $HOPE Work
With a fundamental outright store of 1,000,000,000 tokens, $HOPE is applying a 8% cost charge that will be deducted from each trade, which will be used thusly:

From this 8%
3.5% is assigned to month to month endowments made to affiliations picked by our holders.
1.5% is dispersed to a joined disaster help store that will be conveyed if there ought to be an event of an emergency event.
The extra 3% of the 8%
1% to promoting and operational expenses. .
1% to the six owners and every person from the affiliation.
1% will be Burned.
We've moreover sorted out some way to convey our Tokenomics to a level that no other coin has reached already.


We're clearing a path for another technique for partner crypto monetary patrons to a secured blessing way, and expanding current guidelines for straightforwardness and obligation. Our endeavor pulls in long stretch monetary patrons who believe in the limitless possible results of solidifying the improvements of the cryptographic cash space with the issues of the high level world. Not in any way like other philanthropic tokens that use blessings fundamentally to progress advancing, we see blessing the leaders suitably.


Token Detail
Token Name : $Hope
Blockchain platform : Binance Smart Chain
Coins accessible for use: 1,000,000,000
Ticker : HOPE

Important attention, please read the entire section carefully for the specifications. This explains that we do not make any guarantees about the Service / Site / Application or Content.

This service will allow access to online, decentralized, and autonomous protocols and environments. we do not have access to your private key and cannot make cryptocurrency transfers or access your Virtual Currency. we are not responsible for any activityYou do it when you use your wallet, or the Services, including the Site and Applications.





Bitcointalk username: Kadek Devi
BSC wallet: 0x52E07fA6D8843B44FFabDADbccaa861084c24C4E



Bagaimana cara kerja safeCOVID?
Anda adalah orang yang bertanggung jawab dan percaya pada diri sendiri. Anda mempercayai keluarga Anda untuk melakukan hal yang benar juga…

Tapi bagaimana dengan tetangga Anda? Pria di kasir tempat Anda membeli sebungkus permen karet? Orang tua Anda? Sepupu?

safeCOVID mengajari Anda serangkaian keterampilan baru - membuat masker dengan murah, mengenakannya dengan benar, dan mencuci tangan.

Setelah Anda melewatinya dan berbagi dengan orang-orang yang tinggal bersama Anda, Anda aman COVID level 1.

Ketika Anda bertemu seseorang secara langsung, Anda harus bersikeras bahwa mereka menunjukkan tingkat COVID aman mereka kepada Anda.

Jika mereka tidak bisa, atau tidak memakai topeng, Anda harus berasumsi bahwa mereka tidak aman dan menjaga jarak dengan sopan. Rekomendasi saat ini adalah 6 kaki, atau 2 m.

Tolong jangan melecehkan mereka, tapi dorong mereka untuk 'naik level'.

Setiap kali Anda bertemu seseorang, level Anda terpukul, tetapi tidak jika Anda berbagi level Anda terlebih dahulu.

Semakin lama Anda bersama, semakin mirip level Anda.

Semakin lama Anda tinggal di rumah, semakin tinggi level Anda.

Jika Anda bertemu seseorang yang sering bepergian dan bertemu banyak orang, level Anda akan turun.

Jika Anda mengaktifkan peringatan lokasi di aplikasi, level Anda akan meningkat 1. Peringatan lokasi tidak mengirim data apa pun ke server, tetapi mengingatkan Anda untuk memakai masker saat memulai perjalanan baru. Ini dapat diverifikasi dengan melihat kode sumber.

Kami juga mendorong perilaku yang baik dengan membiarkan orang mengambil foto diri mereka sendiri dengan topeng di telepon, untuk melihat apakah itu berfungsi dengan baik. Sekali lagi, foto ini tidak disimpan dan ML yang menjaga privasi dapat mendeteksi celah udara di kulit.


Keluarga SafeCovid
Kami tidak memiliki vaksin, kami tidak memiliki ramuan ajaib untuk melawan Covid-19. Kami hanya punya ide untuk mengolok-olok periode sejarah yang menyedihkan ini.


Apa itu SafeCovid?
SaveCovid adalah proyek yang sangat unik, kuat, dan transparan. di satu sisi SaveCovid juga bisa dikatakan seperti "SafeStore" atau platform permainan yang menyenangkan dan pasar NFT yang bersejarah di sekitar Covid-19 dengan donasi otomatis ke UNICEF. tim mempresentasikan proyek besar ini untuk kebutuhan masa depan. Kehadiran proyek seperti ini tentunya akan menarik investasi pasar yang besar, jadi tunggu apalagi? Peluang ada tepat di depan mata Anda, jangan sia-siakan kesempatan emas ini dan inilah saatnya kita membangun Keluarga SafeCovid! jangan lupa untuk bergabung dan menjadi bagian dari proyek Hebat ini.


Auto-Staking dengan melawan kecemasan covid-19

SafeCovid adalah protokol penjagaan otomatis tiga tingkat di Binance Smart Chain.

●  Hadiah di setiap transaksi

2% untuk pemegang, 2% auto-likuiditas

●  Taruhan Otomatis Tiga Tingkat

Semakin banyak waktu yang Anda miliki, semakin banyak penghasilan Anda. Di setiap level baru, hadiah Anda meningkat.

●  Museum Sejarah Covid-19 NFT

NFTs Community Museum di sekitar Covid-19 untuk mengingat periode bersejarah ini.

●  Bermain dan berdonasi

Mainkan, hasilkan, dan donasi. 20% dari transaksi game secara otomatis didonasikan ke UNICEF

●  Tonggak pencapaian Airdrop

13 Airdrops terkait dengan pencapaian kapitalisasi pasar. (silakan lihat tabel Airdrop di bagian bawah)

●  Platform Mini-games Dunia

Hasilkan lebih banyak $ SFC dengan mini-game yang dibuat oleh pengembang di seluruh dunia


SafeCovid adalah proyek BSC yang diluncurkan secara adil dengan tiga tujuan:
- Protokol pembuatan otomatis

- "SafeStore": platform permainan yang menyenangkan 

- Pasar historis NFT di sekitar Covid-19

20% dari semua transaksi di SafeStore Game atau penjualan NFT disumbangkan ke UNICEF.



BSC jaringan semakin banyak digunakan karena biaya rendah dan kecepatan transaksi tinggi. Proyek indah didasarkan padanya. Namun semakin banyak scam dan rugpull muncul setiap hari. 

Safecovid adalah proyek jangka panjang. Kami menjamin transparansi. Bersama kami, dana Anda aman. 

4,5B SFC telah dikunci di Pancake Swap dan tunduk pada peluncuran yang adil. Likuiditas awal ini telah dikunci selama satu tahun dan setiap bulan likuiditas baru akan ditambahkan dan diblokir juga.

# 1 25 mars 2021 -> 0,096307 LP:  https://bscscan.com/tx/0x649c5c47eac4a81a3428b6ad96215d610347f16f7fefac735c6fa16916ae979c

# 2 19 avril 2021 -> 0,042027 LP:  https://bscscan.com/tx/0xbec03i>693c2f00c0f694fb0795167741b327cf8e4ed7df214d34433c139ed2



20% dari penjualan NFT dan permainan transaksi akan disumbangkan secara otomatis ke UNICEF:


Setiap kuartal, jumlah dompet SFC akan diserahkan ke penjualan pribadi dengan nilai 2% lebih tinggi dari harga saham saat ini. Jika semua token SFC tidak dapat dijual, dompet saldo akan dijual dengan harga saham saat ini.

Dana yang dikumpulkan akan dikirim ke alamat UNICEF BTC.


Beli $ SFC pertama Anda di PancakeSwap

Dan jadilah pionneer awal

3 tingkat taruhan Otomatis. Bertahanlah untuk mengembangkan vaksin Anda dan di setiap langkah imbalan Anda akan meningkat. Semakin banyak orang yang Anda hemat, semakin banyak hadiah yang Anda miliki.

Alamat Kontrak BSC: 0xc82a5dd7904ad9dbdfdefe37e6bad6ea2977940c



20% dari semua permainan transaksi dan penjualan NFT didonasikan ke UNICEF. Dana akan dikirim setiap triwulan.



Didukung oleh PQINA


Airdrops Milestone
Pada setiap Market Cap tercapai, airdrop manual sebesar 50.000 SFC

Kapitalisasi Pasar untuk mencapai
Airdrop jumlah
100.000 $ (tercapai): 50.000 SFC
200.000 $ (tercapai): 50.000.000 SFC
500.000 $ (tercapai): 50.000 SFC 1.000.000
$: 50.000.000 SFC
2.000 000 $: 500000000 SFC 5000000
$: 50000000 SFC 10000000
$: 50000000 SFC 20.000.000
$: 50.0000000 SFC 50.0000000
$: 50.000 000 SFC
100.000.000 $: 50.000 000 SFC
200.000.000 $: 50.000.000 SFC
500.000.000 $: 50.000 SFC
$: 50.000.000 SFC

Peta Jalan
Kami sedang dalam perjalanan

Situs web 100%
SafePaper 80%
Lotere & Mini-game Pertama 70%
Mini-game platform komunitas 20%
NFT Marketplace 10%
Daftar Museum Sejarah Kapitalisasi Pasar Koin &
Daftar CoinGecko di Exchange

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut:

Situs web:  https://safecovid.io/


Nama Pengguna Forum: Kadek Devi
Telegram Nama Pengguna: @KadekDevi8030
Alamat Dompet BSC: 0x52E07fA6D8843B44FFabDADbccaa861084c24C4E

Minggu, 16 Mei 2021

100xCoin , A Revolutionary Community Driven DeFi platform Powered on Binance Smart Chain ( BSC)

100xCoin , A Revolutionary Community Driven DeFi platform Powered on Binance Smart Chain ( BSC)

Getting over $ 1 Billion USD in market cap is a fairly straightforward process. We're following in the footsteps of our ancestors similar to how Facebook took over MySpace. When our comrades stop on the moon, $ 100x is aimed straight at the sun.


$ 100x IS a deflation token built on top of the Binance Smart Chain. The coin has a 7% transaction fee which is split between the burn function, automatic liquidity pool creation and development wallet. This paper will discuss the benefits of this system, as well as the harbinger of future developments for the platform.


Another community token that is development based, 100x tokenomics provides the basis for continuous growth year after year.


Supported by the community, 100xCoin listens to coin holders, with a road map to give everyone a chance to 100X their coin holdings.


Led by public owner Ken "The Crypto", and a team of crypto wizards who have been working on a few projects this year alone.


1.5% marketing and development wallet, 2% auto-generated liquidity, and 3.5% burning system to increase scarcity on every transaction.


Launched amid the rise in alt-coins, 100x attracted large investors who had made a lot of money developing gems before.


THE COMMUNITY is still growing but at the time of writing 100xCoin appreciates certain features which are not common on DeFi.


Working together on Live Streams with Ken has given the entire team a unique perspective on how cryptocurrencies are created, sold and operated. What other communities stay under a $ 10 million market cap for a week simply because it's better for long-term project growth? I can't name a single one.


as money continues to flow out of centralized finance: banks, ATMs, piggy banks, $ 100x focuses on attracting two distinct groups to our community:

First-time buyers who have never traded crypto before. we view it as our responsibility to educate new investors about the ins and outs of crypto trading and ask them to buy coins responsibly. like always encouraging DYOR and only investing what you can afford to lose.

Cryptocurrency expert who has made money on other high growth projects this year. we respect the benefits other communities have made and welcome them into the 100x ecosystem. These members are invaluable for educating newcomers, as well as growing the value of the token.


This combination of community members will provide 100x the peer groups needed for future use case plans.


The community is still evolving but at the time of this writing 100xCoin values certain traits uncommon in DeFi.
Supporting other Communities
And Shilling. We really value shilling � 

But in all seriousness, the $100xCoin community has organically grown to a group of people who value the longevity of projects. Coming together on Live Streams with Ken has given the entire team a unique perspective into how cryptocurrencies are built, sold, and operate. What other community has held under a $10M market cap for a week just because it was better for long term growth of the project? I can't name one.

Tokenomics & Distribution
The starting $100x token supply is 935,312,500,000,000 and is distributed across wallet holders with no reserve for founders or developers. All $100x can be bought or sold freely.


The tokenomics of $100xCoin are:
3.5% burn per transaction
2% automatic burn
1.5% reserved for manual burns. 
2% automatic liquidity pool generation
1.5% marketing and development allocation


These tokenomics were built from community advice after reviewing other successful projects this year. These specific features are tuned for hyper growth of the $100x token. Each benefit will be discussed in turn.

A key change from popular projects is there is no redistribution of tokens. Redistribution does not actually reward holders in the way that most other tokens promote. By sending small amounts of tokens to wallet holders, the redistribution actually gives more "Selling Power" to holders.

This is why the $100x token burns 3.5% of transactions. In this way, holders are rewarded by a constant increase in token worth as the circulating supply decreases. Redistribution only is beneficial to the top 20 or so wallets, and does not help community growth in the long term
The liquidity pool function was taken from the successful project Safemoon. In order to create more liquidity in the PancakeSwap pairing, the automatic liquidity function taxes buyers and sellers 2% each transaction. 50% of this transaction is used to buy BNB. Then the other 50% of $100x is paired with the purchased BNB an added to the liquidity pool. Yes, it's just like Safemoon; but instead of a hard-fork like Safemars or Safewhatever, we have layered in tokenomics designed for growth of the $100x token and our community goals.

Which leads us to the most unique component of $100x, the 1.5% of funds reserved for marketing and development. At the time of this writing $100x is traded at roughly $1M in daily volume. This 1.5% represents $15k USD that we will use to market the growth of the token, and develop future platform features. We expect this to 10x on launch of the new token.

Compare this to Safemoon who has to fundraise each time they want to release new features. Growth is capped and speed is limited. These funds increase our likelihood to go parabolic before the bull-run ends, while also creating features for sustainable growth. This wallet address will be shared with the community so that all transactions are transparent and clear.

At 100x we view marketing, sales, and development in a flywheel fashion. Roughly 40% of wallet funds will be used for marketing to attract new users, 20% will be used for a sales support team (Telegram for now), and 40% will be used for development of feature sets to be released in the coming months.


Near-Term Roadmap
At this time the $100xCoin community is focused on the key activities needed for hyper growth. A high-level roadmap is shown below, and may change as the community suggests directions:
April (After Launch)
Influencer campaigns
Strategic partnerships
Listing on Blockfolio, CMC, CoinGecko
Announce First Use Case
Celebrity Endorsements
Channel Partners (Clubhouse, New Outlets, etc.)
List on First Exchange(s)
Release Use Case Beta
Airdrop Features 
Charity Partnerships 
Foundation Announcements
July?  Y'all can barely think past April 12 �


It's important to remember that $100x started out as a meme coin with 0 utility planned. It is from the continued support of the community that we are going to develop beyond this level. At the same time there are the risks of adoption that come with any DeFi project. The team is mitigating those risks by focusing on values of transparency and sustainability when making decisions for all holders of $100x.
With the leadership of Ken the Crypto and the community at large, $100x has the opportunity to be the best run DAO on the Binance Smart Chain.
Hop in, we're going places �‍�!



Website: https://www.100xcoin.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/100XCoin_

Telegram: https://t.me/CoinCampaign100x

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/100xCoin/

Medium: https://100xcoinofficial.medium.com/

Whitepaper: https://100xcoin.gitbook.io/100xcoin/

Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/100x-coin

Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/100xcoin/



Forum Username: Kadek Devi

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2851154

Forum Telegram: @KadekDevi8030

BSC Wallet : 0x52E07fA6D8843B44FFabDADbccaa861084c24C4E