Senin, 31 Januari 2022





WitLink predlaže unapređenje svjetskog tržišta za umjetnu inteligenciju i administraciju umjetne inteligencije za tekuće poslovne potrebe. Platforma će koristiti računsko ograničenje otvorenih, decentraliziranih mreža za obradu. To postiže kroz formiranje svjetskog tržišta za umjetnu inteligenciju i administraciju AI za stalne poslovne potrebe. Platforma će koristiti računsko ograničenje otvorenih, decentraliziranih mreža za obradu.



  • WITLINK MARKETPLACE : WitLink Marketplace is a platform that interfaces organizations and undertakings looking for artificial intelligence ability with artificial intelligence experts. Both the gatherings enter a smart contract prior to beginning work and the payments are delivered upon the fulfillment of fundamental contract terms.
  • WITLINK READY : WitLink Prepared is based on giving pre-assembled artificial intelligence answers for organizations with normalized necessities. Organizations can pick tried artificial intelligence arrangements or recruit WitLink’s specialists for executing or altering the arrangement.
  • WITLINK COMPUTING : WitLink Computing addresses the costly computing resource challenge. Organizations can buy computing resources from a pool of decentralized computing pools. WitLink Computing sources the best provider for each project. Organizations can enter their computing requirements and payment subtleties. Resource suppliers can offer for the project. WitLink assists organizations with picking a supplier having the best setup, serious bid and notoriety.
  • WITLINK LEARN : WitLink Learn targets tending to the current hole in artificial intelligence abilities through an internet mastering platform and community. WitLink Learn highlights courses planned by artificial intelligence specialists and experts with industry experience. The courses accessible on the platform are parted across various artificial intelligence fields, including profound learning, neural networks, AI, normal language preparing, advanced mechanics, and vision-arranged projects.


  • LIMITED TALENT POOL : In spite of the multiplying artificial intelligence appropriation rates, ventures are confronting an intense ability lack. Exploration demonstrates a moderate-to-outrageous abilities hole in 68% of the early artificial intelligence adopters (organizations), though around a fourth of endeavors consider their abilities hole outrageous.
  • EXPENSIVE COMPUTING POWER : Artificial intelligence arrangements require a colossal measure of computing power. By certain appraisals, artificial intelligence firms bring about as much as 25% of their income in computing costs. The opposite side of the condition is the significant expense of computing infrastructure, driving more modest ventures and new companies to depend on cloud computing services.
  • LIMITED TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR AI, ML ASPIRANTS : There is an absence of industry-prepared preparing programs across worldwide instructive organizations. A portion of the main colleges, are getting ready to fill the current abilities hole through new universities and preparing programs, yet any realization of these endeavors will require years.
  • HIGHER TALENT ACQUISITION COST : A restricted pool of ability, combined with more appeal, has made it practically unthinkable for youthful new companies to employ the right specialists.


Witlink ecosystem adopts a ground-up strategy towards tending to the current difficulties of the artificial intelligence advancement area.

  1. Project will approach confirmed artificial intelligence specialists from across the globe and artificial intelligence specialists with important experience will approach bona fide projects.
  2. Artificial intelligence designers can take advantage of on-request computing resources. Little innovation firms or team can get rid of cloud computing for top caliber, decentralized computing resources.
  3. Ventures, everything being equal, can buy pre-assembled artificial intelligence arrangements that meets their business needs with specialized help and upkeep or make orders for custom arrangements.
  4. Experts and understudies intrigued by artificial intelligence preparing will approach courses made by industry specialists.



The WAI Token is an Ethereum based token under the ERC20 standard. The reason of the token WAI is utility based, intended to course the WitLink platform’s Marketplace, pre-built arrangement, WitLink Computing, and WitLink Learn. The WAI token will be made as a significant money wherein community members use to trade out constantly of transactions occurring on the platform. It is viable with outsider assistance wallets, exchanges and so forth, and gives simple to-utilize joining. The quantity of WAI tokens gave is fixed and no more tokens can be at any point given, which is ensured by the WAI Token Smart Contract.

  • All out possible tokens: 500,000,000 WAI
  • Number of tokens available to be purchased: 220,000,000 WAI
  • Tokens Exchange Price: 1 WAI = $0.25
  • Contract: 0x5281a43403b9a537520bcb67e98a717c6ff13ea2
  • Worthy currencies: BTC ETH BCH USDT
  • Beznačajan iznos transakcije: 50 USD



  1. WAI Token se može koristiti kao novac na platformi za stručnjake za umjetnu inteligenciju, ponude aktivnosti, kupnju računalnih resursa i nagrađivanja za računalne resurse.
  2. WAI tokeni će se koristiti za naplatu bagera za svaki kvar računalne snage.
  3. Vlasnici tokena PoS (Proof of Stake) mogu dobiti nagrade za različite vježbe identificirane s ekosustavom WitlinkAI.

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Bitcointalk korisničko ime: Kadek Devi
Telegram Korisničko ime: @KadekDevi8030
Adresa novčanika: 0x52E07fA6D8843B44FFabDADbccaa861084c24C4E

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